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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  February 2, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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>> this is "bbc world news america" reporting from washington. fury in egypt, protesters swarmed through protesters accusing the government for the deaths of people at a football game. in pakistan, the court decides to charge the prime minister with contempt. a key california streets that have the same name but when it comes to wealth, they are worlds apart. -- two california streets that have the same name. welcome to our viewers on pbs in america and all around the globe. egypt's parliament went into
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emergency session, protests are on the streets, because of a football match that went very very wrong. in the aftermath of the worst football rights in egypt's history, egyptians are demanding answers. how could 74 people be killed and why wasn't there more done to stop the violence? they took their anchor to tahrir square in cairo from where we got this report. -- they took their anger too tahrir square. >> this has once again turned into a battlefield. they are turning their anger on the interior ministry. they have been pushed back by teargas and rubber bullets. hundreds have been injured. the fury is over the deaths of 74 young football supporters. the thousands who flooded into cairo are clear who they think is to blame for the killings.
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>> this is a crime from the old regime. they stole money from the people for 30 years. now, they are spending the money to make a gangster's and corruption in egypt because they don't want a revolution to be successful. >> this is what the accused the military regime of causing. at first, it looks like a simple innovation but it turns extremely violent. in the red stripes -- in the red shirts, the team prepares. people are rundown, beaten, bludgeoned, stabs. these were the scenes at the cairo railway station as the train carrying the dead and survivors pulled in. thousands crammed the balcony's. we will have justice or death,
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they shout. outside, anxious parents await news of their children. my son has not answered his phone since yesterday. please, i beg you. help me find my son. the government has moved quickly to open an investigation. this was the prosecutor arriving today. the blood smeared seats tell of the brutality of the attacks. the piles of shoes show where bodies were crushed against locked gates. this man saw it all happened. >> they were pushing us off of the high seats section of the stadiums. those who fell diet and none of the security tried to stop them. -- those who fell died. >> the head of the military junta was shown meeting with the shaken players and promising to find the culprits.
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>> each one will take their punishment and we will know why and who caused this tragedy. >> such promising means nothing to those who today began burying their children. i hope that they will see his son of like my son, dead. there is no evidence linking the junta to the violence but suspicion here runs very deep. the investigation will do little to change the belief that the men in uniform are to blame. >> desperate scenes in cairo. for more on the fallout, i spoke to rupert interior scare just a short time ago. -- in tahrir square just a short time ago. there is the belief that the junta was involved in the violence. is there any evidence to support that?
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>> no, we have not seen any evidence whatsoever. there is no smoking gun. there is no clear evidence that shows a connection between the military regime and what happened last night. nevertheless, it is a belief that is very very widely held here. almost anyone you speak to have taken part in the protests believes that in some shape or form the military regime or the supporters of the former president are behind, the sort of a black hand behind this violence. they believe this for several reasons. some believe that the regime would like to get back at the football supporters who were seen as a vanguard against the military regime. others believe that the military would like to stabilize the military -- to destabilize the situation here. no evidence at all.
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it is amazing how widespread that is. >> the belief is so widespread is a reflection of the tension in the country. do you think that this exacerbates potentially? >> -- do you think that this exacerbate the tension? >> absolutely. whatever the reason, whether it was incompetence or design for what ever took place last night, there is no denying that egypt is in a much more delicate place than it was yesterday or the day before. it is friday tomorrow here. there is expectation that they'll be lodged protests here tomorrow. the military regime is perhaps in a more difficult position than it was. the situation here after the election, the successful election of parliament over the past couple of months -- the situation seems to be calming down.
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everybody was moving gradually towards the presidential election and the formation of a new government. now there are tens of thousands of people in cairo who are enraged by what happened and they blame the military government. >> thank you very much. to pakistan, where a shock announcement by the supreme court has thrown the country into political confusion. they have charged the prime minister with contempt. at the heart of the case is whether he failed to pursue corruption charges against the president. whatever the outcome, this does pit the judiciary against the government. >> pakistan's supreme court, where a beleaguered government is facing an emboldened judiciary. today, amid high security, another twist in a long-running
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legal drama. judges decided to charge the prime and mr., yousaf raza gilani -- charge the prime minister, yousaf raza gilani, with contempt, for failing to bring a corruption case against the president. the charges will be brought up on february 13th. mr. gilani had his first day in the dock at a preliminary hearing last month. he insisted that the president had immunity from prosecution as head of state. the case against the president goes back more than a decade. he and his late wife, the former prime and mr., benazir bhutto, or convicted in switzerland for laundering millions of dollars in kickbacks. the conviction was set aside on appeal and the case was later dropped at the request of the pakistani authorities. the prime minister has been under pressure on several fronts in recent weeks. tensions with pakistan's
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military appear to be abating. but critics here claim the supreme court is now doing the army's bidding. if found guilty, the prime minister could be sentenced to six months in jail and he would be this lawless life from holding public office. -- he would be disqualified from holding public office. the case could take months. he could appeal any conviction, but ultimately, this legal battle could bring down the government and force the holding of early elections. >> in another twist, and one of india's biggest ever corruption scandals, the country's supreme court has ordered the government to cancel a mobile phone licenses it granted to some mobile phone companies four years ago. this has cost the treasury tens of millions of dollars. china is to consider contributing to european bailout funds. the prime minister made the
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offer to angela merkel during a visit to beijing by the german chancellor. angela merkel called on china to use its influence to call on tehran to abandon their nuclear ambitions. is drug addiction hereditary? medical experts are one step closer to answering one of the most difficult questions in addiction treatment. the answer it seems is yes. by comparing attics to their non addictive siblings, british siblings have uncovered evidence suggesting that drug addiction does in fact run in families. we were given access to the research and we have the details. >> this is one of the great scourges of the modern world, addiction to drugs. what determines who gets hoo ked? there was is that it that focused on addicts and their siblings. these siblings described how one
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stayed clean and the other did not. >> i was 19. the people i was hanging around with, the influences. i did not get into the crack until i was 30. >> i think i already knew early on in my life that there were certain things i wanted to achieve. >> the study involves scanning 50 addicts and their siblings. theresa took part for a sister'' sake. the aim is to see if there are biological clues to addiction in the brain. the results are surprising. what is revealed by the research is potentially very useful. the siblings of attics and the attics of themselves share a similar pattern of abnormalities in their brain. physical evidence that you can inherit conditions that put you at risk.
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the scan shows how this work. the yellow area shows weaker cells control in addicts and their siblings. >> these brothers and systems that don't have an addiction problems, they can tell us how they manage to overcome these problems. how did they manage self control? >> these sisters were tested for self control. they share abnormalities in their brain but they have turned out differently. the long-term goal is to make use of that knowledge but that will not be easy. >> it is unlikely that we will prevent addiction's but this is one step along the way of identifying people that are at risk. at this stage, it does not give us any answers as to how we can. >> immediate benefits are not likely but having a clear idea of who is most vulnerable could help steer them away from a life of addiction.
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>> quite extraordinary images of the brain. you are watching "bbc world news america," still to come -- we travel to russia's industrial heartland to take the pulse of the public just a month before they go to the polls. record low temperatures and heavy snowfall continuing to cause major disruptions across europe. the cold snap has claimed at least 110 lives so far with ukraine and poland suffering most. >> when it is as cold as it is in romania, a walk by this he becomes a walk on the sea. in the ports, the boats are stuck in the frozen water. when the sea is losing, it does so with one swell. it might look pretty and places but these are the conditions
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that are causing misery and death. -- when the sea is frozen, it moves in one swell. the snow is up to 5 meters deep. 11,000 people in rural areas are cut off. the most desperate rescue helicopters. if they can get access by snowmobiles. in the northeast of the country , workers at the fish farm cut holes into the eyes and allow oxygen into the water. the blast of weather has been coming in from siberia and has enveloped much of europe. >> we are right in the edge of this really cold weather. our temperatures are struggling. the problem is that we have milder air try to come in. it is the bomb that causes us to see -- it is tha bt -- that
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bump that causes the snow. >> warmer climates than our own have already succumbed to this note. this is the french riviera with alpine conditions. -- warmer climates than our own have or to succumb to the snow. >> donald trump kept everyone guessing when it comes to his presidential endorsement. this afternoon, he came out for mitt romney to lead the republican ticket and take on president obama this november. as one of america's wealthiest businessmen, he is no stranger of the excesses' of beverly hills. this is seen as a jewel in california's crown, home to the stars of state and screen. we took a trip which shows not
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everyone is living the high life. >> it does not get more glamorous than this, beverly hills, the playground for billionaires' and celebrities. this is a far cry from many committees in los angeles. >> people here might live in a bubble, they might not go south of olympic. i think that there is an awareness that times are very tough and that people are having a tough time but there is not that every day interaction with those people. >> california has more millionaires than anywhere else in america and a lot of them live in this area. beverly hills has a fine dining and high and shopping and a lifestyle geared to the rich and famous. for a lot of people in los angeles, this is a place only to come to work.
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oscar is a cook at a posh hotel on rodeo drive. he spends five hours a day to meeting, three trains and two buses every day. -- he spends five hours a day commuting. he told me it is frustrating to work in a place where everything is expensive and people spend too much. he takes home $350 a week. that is the cost of the room for a night in this luxury hotel. the divide between rich and poor in california is widening. this is a 50 minute journey by car from rodeo drive to the not so glamorous rodeo road in south los angeles. the only thing they have in common are palm trees and california sunshine. this gives way to a concrete jungle.
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streets lined with fast-food restaurants and convenience stores. across the city, 40% are so people that they qualify for food stamps. >> there is a greater and a growing sense of there is something not right here. there is something wrong with the way most people are having to live their lives. the income disparity between beverly hills, rodeo drive, and rodeo road in los angeles is enormous. >> two communities, 5 miles between them, but world apart. >> for more on this growing economic divide it i was joined from berkeley california by the former u.s. labor secretary, robert reich. we focused at the report on los angeles but to what extent is this not just a trend of a city or a state or even one country,
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but a global issue that we are seeing? >> undoubtedly, this is happening globally. globalization and technological change are driving a wedge in the work forces and almost any country giving the advantage is to people who are well-connected and well educated, but also imposing great hardship on those that do not have those advantages. they are being displaced by people in less-developed nations. people are giving way to technological change because they are not needed. >> we know the social implications of people living in poverty. i want you to talk about the economic implications of the super wealthy. does it matter for the health of our economy that 1% of the economy takes an increasingly large percentage of the gdp pie? >> it does matter. at some point, the large middle class does not have the purchasing power to keep the
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economy going. the middle class is responsible for or has been responsible for a great deal of the demand for goods and services. consumers here and they're spending represent about 70% of the economy. if more and more gains of growth go to the very top, and after all, the top do not spend everything they have. being rich means you don't have to spend because you have most of what useyou need or want. >> they can say the other ones investing in jobs and economic growth. >> that's what they do say. there certainly are a lot of jobs and economic growth coming out of people who are the captains of industry and are on to the norris but the question is not really do you tolerate inequality in the society, you
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need some to keep the economy going. the need to be extraordinary amount of inequality that we have seen? we have not seen this kind of inequality in terms of the amount of concentrated wealth since the 1920's. and some measures, says the gilded age. the people at the top did not need incentives but did they not need as much incentive as they are getting? >> most people assume the wealthy are a 50-year-old from goldman sachs. they find out that there also graffiti artists who made it big on face but it does it matter who the super rich are? >> to some extent, it does. if you are an entertainer in hollywood, someone in fault in either facebook, google, they are located in california.
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you are going to be adding a great deal of jobs and productive potential and productivity to the economy overall. one might raise questions about people in fall and finance because so much of that is a zero sum game. -- one might raise questions about people involved in a finance. there is not a great deal of new productivity or new product or new value added to the economy. money has moved from one pocket to another. >> we are all fixated on an election more than 8 months away. in russia, tens of thousands are expected to march through the capitol to demand an honest poll. away from moscow, there are political protest. our correspondent has been to the industrial heartland where
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they filed this report. >> every day looks like armageddon. this is a town that never stops burning. the snow here is black with pollution. people's lives depend on the factory's. it is instability that they fear most. this man has worked at a local plant for 50 years. he set up a workers' committee to back vladimir putin took to the protest in moscow did not reflect the mood of moscow -- do not reflected the mood of russia. we don't want a revolution, we want stability. that is why we support putin. at the tank factory, they pledged their loyalty to mr. putin live on tv.
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this man offered to come to moscow with his friends to take on the anti government protesters. today, they are taking the train to the regional capital. there, they join thousands of other workers from across the region at a pro-putin rally. the symbol here is the workers glove. this is a direct response to the young and middle-class in moscow who have been protesting against the government. away from the capital, the working class have faced in vladimir putin. -- have faith in vladimir putin. the crowd here was smaller than was promised. some of this seems stage manage.
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they are trying to get as many people as possible to pose with the same sign. one worker i spoke to said that his workmates only traveled to the rally because they were offered extra days off from work and free train tickets. just how popular really is letter putin in russia's industrial heartland. -- just how popular really is a vladimir putin? there is desire for change rather than a real belief that vladimir putin can make life better. >> russians of course getting ready for the election which will be in just a month's time and we will be bringing you coverage about what the russians think about their potential candidates. that brings the show to a close. you can get updates on the news at any time. you can reach me and other members of the team on twitter. thank you for watching.
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(george chattering excitedly) this program was made possible by: >> chuck e. cheese's, proud supporter of pbs kids, who know of all the things a kid can learn, one of the most important is learning to laugh. pbs kids, where a kid can be a kid. for over 90 years, stride rite's been there, from the first wobbly walk to the first day of school, helping you choose the right shoes. stride rite is a proud sponsor of curious george. funding for curious george is provided by contributions to your pbs station... ooh. ...and from: ( lively drum intro ) ♪ you never do know what's around the bend ♪ ♪ big adventure or a brand-new friend ♪ ♪ when you're curious like curious george ♪
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♪ swing! ♪ ♪ well, every day ♪ every day ♪ ♪ is so glorious ♪ glorious ♪ george! ♪ and everything ♪ everything ♪ ♪ is so wondrous ♪ wondrous ♪ ♪ there's more to explore when you open the door ♪ ♪ and meet friends like this, you just can't miss ♪ ♪ i know you're curious ♪ ♪ curious ♪ ♪ and that's marvelous ♪ ♪ marvelous ♪ ♪ and that's your reward ♪ ♪ you'll never be bored ♪ ♪ if you ask yourself, "what is this?" ♪ ♪ like curious... ♪ like curious... curious george. ♪ oh... captioning sponsored by universal animation narrator: sometimes a little monkey finds a new thing that's more interesting than anything else on earth. hmm. for george, it was the baby giant panda, which was being shown live on the zoo web site.


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